Harris-Veit Artists'’ Grant Fund Will Support Student Work

A $200,000 gift from Joan A Harris and Steven W. Veit to Hampshire College has established an endowed fund that supports grants for Division III (senior) projects for students concentrating in studio arts.

The goal of the Harris-Veit Artists' Grant Fund is to help students from diverse economic backgrounds with funding to buy materials for their projects and to host gallery shows that exhibit their Div III work.

"During our son's years at Hampshire, we came to appreciate how the requirement for devising and completing a Div III project served to focus his artistic interests and energies in a way that has served him well since graduation. With this gift, it's our intention to provide an ongoing source of funding that will support Hampshire students in their efforts to produce Div III projects that stimulate and fulfill their creative artistic imagination," said Veit.

Art professor Bill Brayton noted that it is exciting to be able to present students with this funding, as it allows them to "dream bigger" when it comes to their work.

"It's a terrific thing, because our students spend a lot of money on Div IIIs. Thousands of dollars, sometimes," said Brayton. "The best part of education in the arts is to see projects come together in exciting ways. In the past, students' own finances were limiting in what they could produce. This will provide significant budget relief for our Div III students."

Applying for the grants is another important lesson for students, Brayton added. Learning that process is an essential skill for most artists as they work to establish their reputations after graduation.

"It's clear that studio art students desire to achieve some great things at Hampshire, and we hope the Artists' Grant Fund will help them get there," said Veit.

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