Alum Sustainability Advisory Council

SPARC's Sustainability Alum Advisory Council will allow students and alums to learn from the expertise and lived experiences of Hampshire alums who have found exciting work, around the world, that directly addresses one of Hampshire's urgent questions, namely: 

What positive action can be taken to confront climate change at the country, society or even individual level to create more sustainable lives? 

As individuals and within organizations, these alums have done cutting-edge work as change-makers in renewable energy, urban agriculture, seed saving, green building, climate research, direct action, rural nutrition, sustainable development projects, and more. They are well aware that climate impacts everything, everywhere, and everyone, all at once! Whether you study sustainable development, journalism, filmmaking, or psychology, climate literacy is becoming necessary to succeed, not only in your career but in life on the planet. 

Our Alum Advisory Council members are prepared to share what they’ve learned about how to face the challenges of the climate crisis head-on and give suggestions on how to overcome the frustrations of finding a sustainable career - from fighting capital interests to countering climate change denial - while staying true to one’s ethical and moral principles.