Aaron Fagan 94S

Aaron Fagan

Aaron Fagan was born in Rochester, New York, in 1973, and educated at Hampshire College and Syracuse University. He is the author of the poetry collections Garage (Salt Publishing, 2007), Echo Train (Salt Publishing, 2010), and A Better Place Is Hard to Find (The Song Cave, 2020). His writing has appeared in American Poetry Review, Another Chicago Magazine, Arthur, The Awl, Bennington Review, The Best American Poetry Blog, Blazing Stadium, Boulevard, The Brooklyn Review, Cæsura, Columba, Dossier, The Economist, Fine Homebuilding, Granta, Harper’s, Hillbilly Magazine, Jet Fuel Review, The Kenyon Review, Literary Imagination, The London Magazine, Maggy, The New Criterion, NOMATERIALISM, Poem-A-Day (poets.com), Poetry Daily, The Poetry Society of America, Poetry Northwest, Prelude, Salt, Salt Hill, Scientific American, Shenandoah, Smartish Pace, TriQuarterly, Tuesday: An Art Project, Unemployed, The Winter Anthology, World Literature Today, and The Yale Review.

He has served the staffs of POETRY, [CLMP]—Community of Literary Magazines and Presses, Scientific American, Nature, Fine Homebuilding, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Music & Literature, and EMPAC—Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Aaron concentrated in creative writing, philosophy, and literature at Hampshire. His Div III was a collection of poems titled "Lost in the Throat." Professor of Poetry Paul Jenkins and Professor of Russian Literature Joanna Hubbs were his chairs. He would also meet with Professor of Music Yusef Lateef as an advisor to discuss his conception of Autophysiopsychic Music (music from one's physical, mental, and spiritual self) as it might relate to poetry, and would credit professors Robert Emmet Meagher and Alan Hodder as being the architects of his moral imagination.

Aaron shares advice for young writers...