Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Creative Media Internship Progam? This program matches Hampshire students who are serious about pursuing careers in film, video, music, photography, gaming, sound, multimedia performance art, etc. with alums who are currently working in those fields. Alums provide summer internship opportunities for selected students.

Who can apply? Internships are open to all Hampshire students, including those graduating this year.

What are the responsibilities of an internship provider? Internship providers are responsible for creating an experience that is structured enough to give the interns a realistic view of the industry. You will provide the interns with an informal orientation to your workplace and determine their tasks and responsibilities throughout the summer. Interns typically become involved in a special project, participate in daily operations, and "shadow" professionals in the field. The more contact you have with your interns the better, although daily contact is not required. We ask that you do a mid-internship check-in and a final evaluation of the interns. More information on supervising interns.

What are the benefits to me as an internship provider? You will be able to select an excellent addition to your staff: a creative Hampshire student who is intelligent, motivated, and mature. Several Hampshire alums have hired former interns as permanent members of their staff.

How does this program benefit Hampshire students? Students who do internships through this program get a "real world" look at daily life in the entertainment industry. Students build skills, make connections, develop research/project topics, and affirm or change their career ideas. Interning with a Hampshire alum is a unique opportunity for students to work with someone in the industry who is interested in supporting their growth and success.

How does the student application process work? You begin by filling out our online Internship Provider Form. This form gives you the opportunity to describe your company or workplace, the internship position, the qualifications you require, the application materials you request, etc. After you fill out the internship provider form, we will publicize the position to Hampshire students only.

Students will apply directly to you via email with the materials you have specified. You decide if you would like to hire one of the intern applicants (you are never obligated to hire any of the applicants.) We strongly suggest that you do an in-person or phone interview in order to ensure a good match, and that you check references. Once you have selected your intern, please notify Sharón Friedner, internship coordinator, at to tell us whom you have selected.

What if I would like to offer an internship, but I'm not sure yet if it will work out? If you think you can offer an internship, please fill out the Internship Provider Form to the best of your ability, and check the box to say that your offering is tentative. Then, in answer to the next question, please give us as much information as possible about your specific needs or circumstances. Please be aware that because students need time to plan for housing and transportation, internships confirmed later in the process are not always filled.

What about compensation? There is a small grant available to students through the Tom Joslin Internship award, which supports any internship related to film, video, or media. Only one student will get this award, and it does not fully cover the cost of doing an internship. You are not required to pay the interns. Even a small stipend, however, would be extremely helpful to students who need to earn money over the summer. Some providers have been able to offer a place to stay, meals during the workday, or local transportation to and from work. Any or all of these can make a difference. Regardless, your most important contributions are your time and interest in supervising a Hampshire student.