Historical Action Against Racism and Homophobia | Hampshire College

Final Report of the Hampshire College Committee on Racism

Frank Holmquist, Chairperson. February 14, 1978. Click here to download a pdf of the entire report.

The Committee began its investigation of Third World difficulties at Hampshire in the aftermath of a cross burning and it closes its work with the belief that far more subtle aspects of racism have been and are at work in the College and that nothing short of a major effort will provide an effective challenge to the pattern.

The Committee is well aware that many readers will not accept this statement at face value. In fact, a popular counter opinion might look something like this:

After all, don't virtually all members of the College community accept the goals of racial equality in a color-blind world? There is little obnoxious verbal prejudice expressed and the real problem of racism lies elsewhere in our society, among those, for example, with less education and who, unlike us, might also have immediate vested interests at stake in the event of Third World advance. Isn't this sudden concern with racism at Hampshire an extreme, if well-meaning, over-reaction to an isolated and unique event? And isn't this whole effort simply one more attempt to manufacture ritual guilt out of people who are by no stretch of the imagination racist? This is an institution with serious educational work to do and it is time that we got back to discussing the real problems of this institution and the society at large.

These attitudes are fairly representative of a substantial portion of opinion, perhaps even a majority, at Hampshire, and this Report is a challenge to that opinion. The first challenge must be a conceptual one directed against the common definition of racism which is equated with prejudice or pre-judgment--an attitude that is consistently hostile and irrational--an attitude that will surely disappear with education and the subsequent awareness that racist attitudes are simply a faulty perception of another racial group. This opinion is optimistic because it sees enlightenment just around the corner and the collapse of racism in its wake. It is widely found among the middle and upper classes and among the highly educated who are thus able to acknowledge the obvious presence of racism in the society at large without implicating themselves.

But racial inequality stubbornly remains in our society despite the promise of universal enlightenment, and recent research also suggests that anti-Third World attitudes are expressed with relatively equal frequency throughout our society's class structure and in all geographical areas. Thus, the prediction of a near-by equal tomorrow was unwarranted because of a flawed analysis. Prejudice does exist, but prejudice is primarily a by-product of real world conditions. Racism is not simply an aberration of the mind that can readily be exorcised with better ideas, though depending on the nature of education, this will help. It may exist even without a prior prejudice and it is rooted in competition for scarce resources in all sectors of societies like our own where racial categories are normal units of identification. Racism is not simply hostility or mistaken perception but is, at its root, a defense of privilege and advantage that has been historically bestowed on whites throughout our society. Far from irrational, the attitude is highly rational for its purposes and thus it is not likely to disappear easily overnight.

Of course, the next question is: how does all this specifically relate to Hampshire College? We begin with the suggestion that racism has less to do with ideas in the abstract, and more to do with defense of position. Thus we should expect to find aspects of racism involved in a variety of situations where privilege, broadly defined, exists. In fact, we find it in virtually all aspects of Hampshire College life. It involves, for example, the privilege of avoiding Third World students, because of potentially tense situations; the privilege of working among those who tend to think alike and share at some intangible, yet real, level relatively common perceptions and reactions; the privilege of not making a thorough search for Third World students, faculty, or staff due to the threat of a variety of consequences--the extra effort required, the new ideas and different people to be dealt with, or a new and perhaps threatening political equation that may emerge in an already highly political environment when Third World students, faculty, or staff may act vocally as individuals, let alone in concert with each other in any area; the privilege of not having to seriously and painfully study the appalling impact of racism on the society at large and within oneself; the privilege of failing to acknowledge that non-racist behavior must be decidedly anti-racist--a failure to come to terms with the fact that it is not enough to watch one's tongue and wish Third World people well--the privilege, then, of remaining complacent in a racist society by condoning it; the privilege of waiting for Third World people to tell you where you have strayed; the privilege of reacting to events--even passionately so--rather than taking the unpopular initiative at the unpopular time to actively investigate, understand, and fight aspects of racism and privilege that all whites have inherited. This Report is offered as a small attempt to generate an atmosphere conducive to combatting that privilege.

It should be noted at the outset that we have no indication that Hampshire's record in racial affairs is any better or worse than that of comparable institutions near or far. This observation is not designed to convey a sense of relief, but rather to provide a sense of the pervasiveness of the problem and the impossibility of effectively dealing with it short of a thorough-going and long-term commitment to Third World welfare and white awareness. In our country, the race problem is a white problem. And amidst any sudden flourish of support for the Third World community, one should be skeptical of solutions that fail to expect rather fundamental changes of thought and action among white people. The words of James Baldwin are appropriate here as he addresses his fellow black Americans concerning white people:

"They are, in effect, still trapped in a history which they do not understand; until they understand it they cannot be released from it. They have had to believe for many years that black men are inferior to white men. Many indeed know better, but, as you will discover, people find it difficult to act on what they know. To act is to be committed and to be committed is to be in danger. In this case, the danger in the minds of most white Americans is the loss of their identity...If the word `integration' means anything, this is what it means: that we, with love, shall force our brothers to see themselves as they are, to cease fleeing from reality and begin to change it. [from The Fire Next Time] (p.1-3)

Initial discussions with Third World members of the community and a glance at obvious facts made it clear that Hampshire College is at a crossroads with its policy toward the Third World community--indeed, the situation is an emergency and demands emergency action. The most obvious fact is that the numbers of Third World students have declined markedly in the past few years and there is no indication that the trend will soon be stopped, let alone reversed. With small and declining numbers, the Third World students (about 38), faculty (8), and staff (9), have become demoralized and vulnerable as they have become increasingly invisible. There is a general feeling that as numbers decline they simply cannot defend their interests and complaints become so much "howling at the wind."

With virtually all trends in a negative direction, it is clear that a major effort must be undertaken to develop an expanded and thriving Third World presence and this effort must include all segments of the institution. Hampshire must also abandon the recurring notion that since there are shrinking numbers of Third World students and since there are racial tensions perhaps Hampshire is not an appropriate place for Third World students (and faculty and staff?) after all. This opinion would argue that perhaps the gradual disappearance of Third World students is both natural and desirable for all concerned. This form of "benign neglect" is, of course, not benign and is simply neglect. We go back to our initial discussion of the concept of racism and suggest that those who have inherited privilege due to their race must not acquiesce in that privilege but must instead actively combat it; and one means of doing so is to struggle for Third World entry to Hampshire and in the process help create a learning community that better reflects the wider world we live in. Hampshire is capable of providing a quality education and stimulating living environment for Third World students if it so desires. It is less a question of money or college location and more a matter of will and commitment. (p.4)


The Committee's recommendations must be reviewed against the background of the main themes of our Report: that Hampshire College is at a major crossroads regarding its policy toward the future of the Third World community as indicated, among other things, by the rapid decline of Third World student numbers, the relatively few Third World members of faculty and staff, the limited understanding of personal and institutional racism on campus, and the Third World community's general loss of morale and growing sense of vulnerability in the face of institutional disinterest and neglect. Nothing less than a firm commitment to action throughout the institution will stem the decline, let alone change the direction. The creation of a strong and thriving Third World presence must be a top priority of the College which requires a firm understanding that Hampshire College can provide a quality education and a comfortable living environment for Third World students, staff, and faculty. The real obstacle standing in the way of such a policy is institutional will. Money is not the major limiting factor--concern and understanding is.

  1. College Committment: There must be strong public statement from the President and the Board of Trustees (portions of which should be included in the College Handbooks) indicating that Hampshire College is firmly committed to a strong Third World presence and will be taking concrete steps (including the implementation of this Committee's recommendations) to expand the numbers and improve the conditions of the Third World community, as well as to provide education for the entire community on the past and present nature of racism.
  2. Administrative Recruitment: Third World people must be represented in the near future in the upper reaches of the College administrative hierarchy in order to help advance and safeguard third world interests and maximize trust between the College and the Third World community.
  3. Admissions: There must be permanent Third World representation at an early date in the policy-making and recruiting realm of the Admissions staff in order to facilitate Third World recruitment.
  4. Faculty and Staff Recruitment: There must be a serious, sustained, and far more aggressive emphsis on Third World recruitment than there has been in the past and the President must require a thorough search in this direction as part of the appointment process. As a condition of approving an appointment made by offices and schools, as recommended in the Hampshire College Affirmative Action Plan, the President must be satisfied that the process included a thorough search for Third World candidates. Guidelines defining an adequate process should be circulated to all recruiting bodies.
  5. Curriculum: Sustained encouragement should be provided from all offices of the College, and especially from the Dean of Faculty and School Deans, for the development of courses and course content dealing knowledgeably with race issues. We emphasize "knowledgeably" in order to distinguish serious thought on the subject from cursory treatment. Students and advisers should also be reminded that courses and course material dealing with race are offered for the necessary benefit of all and not just Third World students.
  6. Advising: Advisers are reminded that they owe as much careful attention to Third World students as to any others. There has been a tendency to assume that the Third World Advising Center or other Third World faculty are advising Third World students. It must be understood that such assumptions are often unwarranted, and besides there is no substitute for regular faculty advising in the Hampshire system.
  7. The Examination System: Standards for the satisfactory completion of divisional examinations must apply equitably to all students. There has been a tendency among some faculty to escape dealing with Third World students and tensions surrounding race by being rather lenient with some Third World students on Division I examinations only to find the same students in considerable trouble at the Division II or III level when more faculty are involved and a closer look at the student's progress takes place.
  8. Third World Financial Support: There should be an assured annual budget for Third World activities on campus including those of the Third World Organization and the Third World Advising Center. The College must recognize the reality of rather permanent group interests on campus including the Third World community, women, the newspaper, and others. These groups should have permanent recurring budgets in order to facilitate coherent and purposeful long-term planning.
  9. Public Relations: The Development and Public Relations offices made several worthy suggestions as to how the College might make itself better known to potential Third World students and their parents, as well as ways to broaden contact with Third World communities: more information and publicity is needed on Division III work done by Third World students; audio-visual materials for public relations use should include more Third World persons and projects; there should be more recognition and publicity given to Third World faculty and staff work and their scholarly achievements; a Third World Trustee committee should be established; Third World parents could be better utilized to publicize the College and establish a broader base of support.
  10. Learning About Racism:
  • Individuals and groups should be encouraged to lead and organize workshops and mini-courses on racism as well as anti-semitism, feminism, and gay rights as regular aspects of Fall Colloquy and January Term, and funds for this purpose should be designated and set aside in advance. A member of the staff or faculty should also be designated as a permanent resource person to help set up activities of this nature. Any serious attempt to deal with racism in our society must go to the root of the problem which is a white problem. It is not enough to call for more "things" and better treatment for the Third World community. There must be an on-going process of white education and since attitudes are best evaluated, challenged, and changed in small group contexts, workshops and related small group settings are most appropriate for the task.
  • There should be quality race relations training provided for every member of the permanent Security Department staff and this Department would be well-advised to initiate discussions with the Third World Organization with an aim of developing trust and understanding between the Third World community and the Department staff. These suggestions in no way single out Security for special criticism but rather acknowledge the extremely sensitive nature of their particular job which, in our society, requires special measures to insure satisfactory community relations.
  • The College should also encourage and provide financial support for members of the community to attend off-campus workshops and training sessions on strategies and tactics for combating racism and these individuals should then initiate subsequent parallel activities on campus. We should recognize the limits of in-house knowledge and make every effort to up-grade our individual and collective understanding. (p.19-22)

Special Report of the Task Force on Sexual Preference

Amherst, MA: Hampshire College, 1984.


The Task Force on Sexual Preference was set up in the spring of 1983 by President Adele Simmons as a follow up to the agreement between the Administration and students who staged a sit-in in the Cole Science Center seeking a variety of reforms on campus. The task force met five times during the Spring term and once a week during the 1983 Fall Term and 1984 Spring Term. An enormous amount of time and effort went into the preparation of this report.

Information was collected through questionnaires (sent to students, faculty, staff and administrators), open meetings, interviews and correspondence...The two main areas of investigation were: 1. the quality of life at Hampshire for non-heterosexual students and employees and 2. the opportunity for lesbian and gay students to include the study of lesbian/gay topics in their academic programs.

The committee looked at many areas of concern. We tried to examine carefully and from all points of view, both the intellectual and personal growth of lesbian and gay students while they are at Hampshire. We tried to discover what facilitates their growth and progress and what impedes it. In terms of employees specifically, we tried to find out whether Hampshire is perceived as a "safe" place to work and whether co-workers are supportive. We tried to discern whether employees here experience abuse in any form if they are out and/or whether they feel the need to remain "closeted" because they fear rejection here...(p.4)

What's the Big Deal?

A pervasive theme in responses to the task force survey was that "gay people are just like everybody else," and that discussions of sexual preference are irrelevant. An assumption seems to be that "sexual preference" means nothing more than sex with a person of the same gender...

The attitude justifies opinions that sexuality need not be a consideration in relation to advising, that gay issues had no special or particular significance in the curriculum, that gay students have no unusual housing or social problems, that oppression of lesbians and gay men is like any other kind of social or political oppresion, and so forth. Many of the responses to the questionnaire highlight oppressive attitudes, myths and misunderstanding about lesbians and gay men, some of which we would like to point out here. (p.8)

Sexuality is strictly a private concern

First, in an essentially heterosexual form sexuality is pervasive in the culture. Male-female couples holding hands, walking down a street, kissing on the corner, hugging in airport terminals, dancing together, and so on, are invisible: they are part of the ordinary background vista of everyday life. But even many gay people find public displays of affection between same-sex partners startling. To many heterosexuals it is shocking and to a small but significant minority it is regarded as in invitation to insult, violence, brutality. Sexuality is not private because public heterosexuality is the ocean we all swim in, and homosexuality is not private because it is not seen the same way in a public setting.

This difference is exaggerated almost to the point of caricature by social institutions -- the organized expression of public attitudes -- that have condemned homosexual behavior and continue to do so. Groups within the clergy, law, medicine and psychiatry still uphold anti-gay laws, and self righteously manipulate, even mutilate, the bodies and minds of gay people.

Sexuality is, then, a public concern. Indeed it often seems far more than that: almost a preoccupation, whether it takes the extreme form of a taboo that discourages frank discussion, or the form of an overzealous concern with enforcement of heterosexual norms. The media, for instance, is a very public forum which consistently exploits sexual imagery, fantasy and metaphor, to bring stereotypes about sexuality and desire to the forefront. (p.9-10)

There's nothing special, significantly different, or fundamentally important about being gay.

Lesbians and gay men have made choices that sharply alter how they will experience social interactions, emotional relationships, family, religion, structures of power and influence. Those who act with the same freedom and spontaneity as heterosexual people are not "declaring themselves" as gay but trying to live their lives with the same freedom as anyone else--and finding, often, that it takes special strength, endurance, and self-confidence. When gayness is treated as an "issue", the point is to create some breathing space, to bring an imposed privacy into public view and make it a part of everyday reality, to bring the unspeakable into ordinary discourse--where heterosexuality now pervades.

Nor does it make sense to say that lesbian and gay oppression is like any other sort of oppression. All forms of oppression differ, and the differences as well as the similarities between forms need analysis. For instance, lesbians and gay men often suffer some of the worst of their oppression at the hands of those who "love" them the most, their families and their "friends," who might reject them, disown them, or worse, (and young people are at particular risk here), subject them to medical, psychiatric, or religious "help" and "treatment". There is no guarantee of a safe home to retreat to where one's family understands, this oppression. Lesbian and gay oppression is not more or less severe than any other oppression. It is, however, different.

You cannot be fully "tolerant" of a gay person if their sexuality makes you feel uncomfortable; there is no need to "try" to be "as normal as possible" unless you're feeling very abnormal about homosexuality. You cannot claim to be "very open" and yet have forstalled communication about another person's sexual feelings or preferences. Although it is undeniable that people are people, those people who have made unconventional life choices, about issues as critical as sexuality and lifestyle, are affected by the consequences. They have shouldered special struggles, achieved unique understandings, and have had distinctive experiences. To deny those differences in naïve, apolitical, and ahistorical. This denial disguises and protects the oppression suffered by gay men and lesbians, while it inhibits and limits the world view and experience of those who are practicing that denial. It is insensitive, unrealistic, and unfair. (p.11-12)

Major Goals for Hampshire vis-a-vis its lesbian, gay and bisexual students

I. Provide Security

  • Guarantee each student a safe place to live.
  • Employ people who are "safe" (aware and sympathetic) to talk to.
  • Establish an atmosphere of openness and acceptance.
  • Free students from public harassment; take clear, direct steps to punish harassers.
  • Increase the understanding and tolerance of security staff members and their presence out on campus, especially at night.

II. Increase Visibility

  • Hire lesbian and gay role models.
  • Offer more courses dealing specifically with lesbian/gay concerns and include homosexuality in many more courses.
  • Organize "awareness" days and workshops.
  • Include the non-discrimination policy which refers to "sexual preference" in all college publications.
  • Present speakers and movies which deal with homosexual issues.
  • Present singers, art exhibits, poetry readings, etc. which include homosexual material and/or themes.
  • Make publications on sexuality and gay health issues available at the Health Services.
  • Include homosexuality and bisexuality in all sexuality workshops.

III. Ease Isolation

  • Sponsor support groups for lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals.
  • Organize social and recreational activities.
  • Have a get together for "gays" during new student orientation.
  • Include sexual preference on housing request forms.
  • Organize "gay"-"gay" and "gay"-"straight" dialogue sessions.
  • Bring lesbian and gay mental health counselors on campus.
  • Intervene when students become depressed or exhibit self-destructive behavior.

IV. Take the Initiative

  • Be sure the burden of doing anything does not always end up on the shoulders of the lesbian and gay community.
  • Assure lesbian and gay groups financing through Community Council.
  • Require relevant budget units to offer special programming for lesbian and gay students, e.g., Health Services, the houses, Women's Center, SOURCE, CORC, First Year Students' Program, academic schools, etc. (p.20)


The curriculum at Hampshire is notably silent on gay and lesbian issues. To gain a sense of the extent to which this is true, look at the current course listings and try to find courses that indicate a recognition of the existence of lesbians and gay men: as a political force; as the objects of social control, fear and abuse; as emerging in history in relation to other political, economic and social forces; as carrying distinct insights or sensibility or style into film, visual arts, theatre, literature, music, theory; as encountering distinct health issues and psychological issues.

Now imagine the situation of lesbian and gay students, interested in exploring issues of sexual identity in their studies--not even students who want to concentrate in lesbian/gay studies, but those who want to explore any aspect of gayness--historical, literary, artistic, psychological, political. What these students--or "straight" students interested in coming to some awareness of the unconscious assumptions of heterosexual culture--will find, in a "good" year, is one course (if they are lucky) which even mentions the word "lesbian" or "gay" or even the pre-political term "homosexuality."

The invisibility of even the words which identify gayness in our curriculum ratifies the invisibility and denial of the experience of gays and lesbians in the culture. It is this denial which constitutes heterosexism, as distinct from anti-gay actions or attitudes (homophobia). Heterosexism is the active assumption that the whole world is straight.

Lesbian and gay students suffer from this invisibility and this denial; they are cut off from their own history: present and possible futures. (It is important to remember that, on a conservative estimate, you can assume that 10% of your students [and colleagues and associates and family members] are lesbians and gay men). But straight people suffer as much or more...

While ignorance is not the whole story about why lesbian and gay issues are absent from the curriculum, it does seem to be a very important part of the story and one that can be addressed directly and seriously by our institution and our community. There is a growing body of lesbian and gay literature, films, and speakers, the presence of which on campus would challenge the widespread lack of information, or disinformation, about lesbians and gay men. But, the college must make a commitment to bringing such people and materials to campus. Partly that means help from the administration through funding lesbian and gay student groups, speakers, film series, etc. But, individual faculty are also in a position to invite speakers and use other materials in their courses, to educate themselves about lesbian and gay experience.

There has long been a debate about the relative emphasis on specifically gay (or women's or Third World) courses versus integrating an awareness of those issues into the curriculum as a whole. We think, at this stage at Hampshire, both are crucial.


  1. That each school offer at least one course a year that has an explicitly lesbian/gay focus...
  2. That each of the school deans work with the task force to develop a program for including awareness of lesbian and gay issues in the course offerings within their school...(p.40-41)

Housing: An Overview

It may be axiomatic to say that students spend most of their time in their housing units but, since student centers on campus are practically non-existent, most students are in their rooms whenever they're not in class or eating. A student dissatisfied with her/his housing is, per force, going to be unhappy about it and about being at Hampshire. At this point in its history, Hampshire needs to become more sophisticated about how to assign lesbian and gay students to rooms their first semester here and more understanding and flexible in resolving later problems that develop...

We've come up with four ways to make on-campus housing more appealing to lesbians and gay men:

  1. Change the way lesbian and gay students are assigned to rooms, especially when they first arrive. Help them to find housing which provides them with supportive peers. Frequently students try to solve the problem of isolation by themselves, unable to tell the housing office what their problems (needs) are, e.g. how can students say they want to live with or around lesbian or gay students and not admit to being lesbian or gay? Students may be terrified to say anything, willing to risk misplacement and misery rather than "exposure." Housing people need to be sensitive to how vulnerable these students can be in trying to find appropriate housing.
  2. Improve the physical space and provide a better atmosphere in which to study, greater privacy, and aesthetically improved living quarters (this applies to housing all students.)
  3. Provide a sense of community for lesbians and gay men through special social events, cultural activities, and support groups. Of these, support groups should get top priority. Staff members should be responsible for support in terms of finding safe, non-homophobic living spaces for lesbians and gay men and for making the option of non-homophobic apartments and halls well-known among students. On-campus support (and the lack therof) is a problem in many ways; the house staff, in particular, can help rectify this through the initiation of activities which are clearly supportive and open to all students. It is not only necessary to find ways to educate each other about our differences, we need to create ways and places in which we can be together as people, not ignoring our differences, but recognizing them and going beyond them.
  4. Utilize the House Master and senior House staff, as well as the student staff, more effectively by increasing their sensitivity to the concerns of gay and lesbian students...In terms of AWARENESS, the house staff members themselves must be educated to the needs of gay and lesbian students, so that they can effectively meet them. The house staff can then be concerned with the education of the residents, with the understanding that awareness of diversity and a heightened understanding of the forms which difference can take will also heighten sensitivity and tolerance of those differences. Awareness leads to an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the existence of gay men and lesbians as a healthy, diverse, vital part of the Hampshire community and society generally. A large concern of many gay men and lesbians who have communicated with the Task Force is INVISIBILITY. Their sexual preference is often not acknowledged, just as their experience of prejudice is often not considered real or important. (p.48-49)

Final Report of the Holmquist Report Review Committee

May 1983. Click here to download a pdf of the full report.


The Hampshire College Committee on Racism

On the evening of September 24, 1977, a wooden cross was burned on the Hampshire College campus outside a Merrill House lounge where a group of Third World students were having a party. In response to the incident, President Adele Simmons convened a committee, chaired by Professor Frank Holmquist, to conduct an investigation of the cross-burning incident as well as of all difficulties facing the Third World community at the College. The committee would recommend policies and guidelines to guard against racist actions in the future.

This committee, which came to be known as the Hampshire College Committee on Racism, met virtually daily for two months with an extensive range of students, staff, and faculty at the College, including thirty-six budget managers and nearly every Third World member of the staff and faculty. The committee presented its findings and recommendations on February 14, 1978 in what has come to be known as the Holmquist Report. The Committee presented its report to the entire College community and President Simmons responded point by point to each of its recommendations. In addition, all budget managers were sent the complete text of the report.

The Holmquist Report Review Committee

On December 2, 1982, five years later, President Simmons convened another committee to review the diagnosis and recommendations advanced in the Holmquist Report in light of current conditions at the College. This committee, the Holmquist Report Review Committee, was charged to bring all data in the Holmquist Report up to date, to evaluate the relative progress the College has made over the intervening years, and then to put forward its own recommendations for the most appropriate next steps to be taken in combatting racism at the College and in meeting the needs of Third World persons associated with the College. (p.1-2)

Review Committee Recommendations

It seems clear that the College continues to suffer from poor relations with its Third World constituencies. Third World students, staff, and faculty perceive an indifference by the College either to increase Third World numbers or to enhance the intellectual and social environment for those who are here.

Many respondents voiced considerable bitterness and cynicism about even giving testimony to this review committee. They expressed a sense of futility about the possibility of significant policy changes resulting from their testimony.

In order to remedy this situation, the College must make an unambiguous statement about the importance of cultural diversity at Hampshire--and back that statement with the following actions:

  1. 1. The instituting of a vigorous recruiting effort to bring up Third World students and faculty members to at least the proportions in the national population.
    This would produce what many respondents referred to as a self-sustaining critical mass.
    a. Students: Respondents stressed the fact that Third World students are not a monolith. Recruiters should, therefore, seek cultural and class diversity among Third World applicants.
    b. Faculty: Special efforts should be made to recruit younger Third World faculty; those with potential for growth here.
    The formation of an Affirmative Action Committee to monitor all searches, in consultation with and reporting to the Dean of the Faculty.
  2. The College has done admirably in the hiring of women. With the same kind of commitment, it can produce comparable results for Third World peoples.
  3. The creation of a paid position for a recent Hampshire graduate to serve as Third World student activities coordinator.
  4. The direct funding of a Third World student organization.

The Third World student activities coordinator would be responsible for monitoring (or managing) this budget.