Doria Robinson 93F

Doris Robinson smiles at the camera wearing purple.

Doria Robinson is a third-generation resident of Richmond, California, and the executive director of Urban Tilth. Raised in a strong church community where her grandfather was the minister, Robinson spent weekends and summers on the church’s 350-acre ranch in Fairfield California. It was on the ATOT ranch where she was taught her first strong lessons on the power of cooperative economics by her grandfather. 

In 2014 she led the charge to develop Urban Tilth’s 3-acre urban farm in Richmond. And in 2016 she relaunched the Farm to Table CSA social entrepreneurial venture which now serves hyper-local and sustainably grown produce to 440 West County families each week. Most recently she co-founded Cooperation Richmond, a not-for-profit cooperative developer and one-stop-shop for the incubation, education, training, mentorship, and capital support required to create, convert, and continue to develop successful cooperative enterprises in Richmond that build community-controlled wealth by and for low-income communities and communities of color in Richmond whose wealth has been extracted. In 2022 she became the first urban agriculture practitioner to be appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to the California Board of Food and Agriculture. In November 2022 she was elected to the Richmond City Council representing District 3 where she grew up and currently lives in Richmond where she is championing a progressive just transition city-wide agenda.