Faune Albert 02F

Faune Albert 02F, writing instructor and faculty associate, received her B.A. from Hampshire College and her Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she taught literature and writing for many years and worked as an editor. She also holds a graduate certificate in women, gender, and sexuality studies.
Her research interests include U.S. Southern women's writing; 20th and 21st century American literature and history; New Southern Studies; Black feminist theory and intersectional feminisms; affect, emotion, and embodiment; narratives of trauma; illness and disability; intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality; queer theory; psychology and psychoanalysis; and experimental writing.
Her writing, primarily creative nonfiction/personal narrative and poetry, focuses on themes of home, sense of place, and dislocation; chronic illness; shame and vulnerability; race, class, gender, and sexuality; inherited and embodied trauma, and healing; and the relationship between the mind and body. She is invested in exploring the connections between writing, mindfulness practices, and social justice.