Sex on the Brain

Core Studies in Cognitive Science and Natural Science

In this example, a student is interested in psychology and cognitive neuroscience, with a major focus on how these different perspectives shed light on sex and gender. The goal of this Division II is to develop a background within neuropsychology and neuroscience with a secondary focus on education. In addition, courses in sociology and anthropology provide a different lens through which an understanding of sex and gender is developed. The concentration might be described as a CBD "major," with an emphasis on psychology and cognitive neuroscience with a "minor" in the social sciences. Courses are listed below as generic titles or topics, with some reference to specific courses offered at Hampshire and the Five Colleges.

During Division I five courses provide foundations for the concentration: Culture and Imperialism; Ever Since Darwin; Adolescent Development; Education Reform; and Human Neuropsychology

The CBD concentration included the following courses or independent studies.

Intellectual breadth

Biological sciences

  • Biological anthropology
  • Neuroendrocrinology

Social and cultural sciences

  • The Making of the Modern Body
  • Girls to Women

Cognitive sciences

  • Birth of Mind
  • The Plastic Brain (Neural Plasticity)

Core studies

Children and Their Cultural Worlds
Gender Issues in Science Education
Food and Eating Disorders (UMass)
Race, Gender, and Performance
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Culture and Biology
Developmental Psychopathology
History of Love and Dating in the U.S.
Pre-Practicum for Teaching

Integrative studies

CBD course Sex on the Brain: Sex, Gender, and Biology
CBD 300-level seminar on Culture, Mind, and Brain