Body Politics and Empowerment Week

March 25-31, 2019

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Our bodies are social vehicles. Join us for Body Politics and Empowerment Week with programs that explore the impact of social systems and inequalities on the way in which we exist in our bodies on a daily basis. Together, let’s engage in activities that promote ways to achieve bodily empowerment in the face of these systems.


Monday 25th


Tuesday the 26th


Wednesday the 27th


Thursday the 28th


Friday the 29th


Saturday the 30th


Sunday the 31st


Join Us for These Body Informed and Empowered Drop In Classes


Monday the 25TH

  • 12-1pm Body-Informed Strength and Conditioning (OPRA) / Multisport Weight Room - First Come First Serve


Tuesday the 26TH

  • 12-1 / Mind and Body Self-Healing Practice (Spiritual Life) / Greenwich Donut 5


Wednesday the 27TH

  • 12-1 pm / Drop in Body-Informed Spinning (OPRA) / Upstairs RCC - First Come First Serve


Thursday the 28TH


Friday the 29TH


Look out for Body Politics & Empowerment and CLPP Conference Tables all week in the Kern from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and be sure to check out the Body Politics themed bulletin boards in Merrill and Dakin Halls!