Institutional Review Board Application Process

DOWNLOAD IRB MANUAL PDF (If you prefer Microsoft Word Versions, please email the IRB secretary.)

1) Meet with your faculty advisor/research advisor to review your proposal idea.

2) Fill out cover page, proposal, and consent forms and site authorizations. The committee cannot review your proposal without the signature of your faculty supervisor.  

3) Have faculty advisor/research advisor sign cover page of your proposal.

4)  Only DIGITAL applications will be accepted. Email completed proposals to by the application deadline.  Late proposals will be reviewed at the meeting the following month.  

Please contact the IRB chair if you would like to consult on your proposal prior to submission.

If conducting research at another institution that has given you its own IRB approval, please submit a copy of proposal and approval to the Hampshire IRB to review.


Melissa Burch
c/o Dean of Faculty Office Hampshire College
893 West St.
Amherst, MA 01002

Important Information:

Research can only begin AFTER IRB approval.


The IRB recommends that any person conducting research complete CITI training.