Hampshire Culture of Care Agreement

COVID-19 clearly demonstrates that only by deeply looking out for each other—acting as if everyone's life has inherent worth and is at risk; as if the health of one is the health of all—will we actually be able to lessen the amount of sickness and death, not to mention the emotional weight on us all. Unless everyone cooperates, the virus exponentially spreads.
Author, educator, organizer Cindy Milstein

As members of the Hampshire College community, we appreciate and value our collective commitment to the care and safety of all our members. Our success relies on the commitment of our entire community to observe two principles: personal accountability and honesty. We recognize that the well-being of the campus community, which is composed largely of residential students, depends primarily on personal self-regulation through community-spirited acceptance of the common good. In the face of COVID-19, we are called to build upon these core values, recognizing that now more than ever, each of our  actions, and inactions, has profound impacts on our fellow community members—faculty, staff, and students. The Culture of Care Agreement serves to promote and protect the greater good by providing all campus members with a framework for living and working together in order to protect the well-being of everyone.

The Culture of Care principles include:

  • Being responsible for more lives than just our own
  • Abiding by the College’s health and safety protocols
  • Sustaining a safe and peaceful community through a commitment to care and concern for others and shared rules
  • Understanding that this is prolonged hard work, but we are dedicated to doing it

Hampshire’s Culture of Care Agreement is essential in order to keep our campus community together in an in-person environment during the spring semester. The Culture of Care guidelines outlined below were developed to ensure that Hampshire can carry out its educational mission and rich traditions while minimizing transmission of COVID-19 and protecting those most vulnerable to the disease. Additionally, this agreement expresses our continued commitment to facing this challenge together, extending compassion to all of our community members and preserving safe communities, both on and off the Hampshire campus.
To PROTECT myself and others, I agree to:

  • Be fully vaccinated when eligible, and produce documentation of COVID-19 vaccination or have an approved medical and religious exemption.
  • Adhere to national, state, and local health guidelines and requirements, and to adhere to measures Hampshire College deems safe and appropriate for our campus.
  • Conduct a Daily Symptom Self-Check:
    • If I am a residential or commuter student, and, upon conducting a Daily Symptom Self-Check , I have symptoms or known exposures related to COVID-19, I will immediately contact Health Services at healthservices@hampshire.edu to get tested for COVID-19. While awaiting results, I will wear face covering (KN95 or higher quality mask) at all times and abide by all other Health Services instructions shared with me.
    • If I am a faculty or staff member, and, upon conducting a Daily Symptom Self-Check,  I have symptoms or known exposures related to COVID-19, I will immediately contact my primary care physician and not come to work on campus until I get medical clearance or am symptom-free.
  • Wear face coverings while indoors whenever College policy requires it. I must wear a face covering at all times indoors, except when alone, in a private office, a living space, or while actively eating/drinking.
    • If I am not fully vaccinated, I will wear face covering (KN95 or higher quality mask) indoors and outdoors in crowded settings when distancing cannot be observed.
    • I understand that I am welcome to wear a face covering indoors and outdoors if at any time  I choose to do so. Additionally, I understand this practice will be adjusted as new information and circumstances dictate.
  • Wash my hands thoroughly and frequently for at least 20 seconds/use hand-sanitizer throughout each day and before and after interactions with others.
  • Limit gatherings to the maximum allowed by Hampshire College/local authorities, inside or outside.

To PREPARE and PLAN ahead:

  • I agree to participate in the onboarding COVID-19 asymptomatic testing upon arrival and other testing the College may require.
  • I agree to engage in restorative conversations related to maintaining our community well-being when invited to participate.
  • I agree to seek out guidance and support if I notice a behavior that is concerning.
    • If I am a student, I will contact college staff in the Dean of Students Office, Residence Life, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and/or faculty.
    • If I am an employee, I will notify my supervisor and/or contact the Office of Human Resources.
  • I agree to monitor email and other communication outlets for updates and changes to the College’s COVID-19 protocols and policies.

To PREVENT the spread of COVID-19:

  • I agree to navigate spaces on campus safely, wiping down surfaces when deemed necessary to do so, and following all sidewalk and building signage regarding capacity limits, traffic flow, and other safety measures.
  • If I am a student, I agree to follow the Residence Life and Housing guest policy - guests are not allowed in residential spaces until February 28th. I understand that the guest policy is subject to change based on national, state, and local conditions.
  • I agree to limit unnecessary personal travel and adhere to Hampshire’s transportation policies and guidelines.
  • I agree to host or attend only gatherings, events, parties, or other social activities on- and off-campus that adhere to current national, state, and local health guidelines and requirements, and will remove myself from any gatherings that present unsafe situations or practices.
  • I agree to self-quarantine and isolation if it is deemed necessary for me to do so.
  • I agree to cooperate with all contact tracing efforts if they are deemed necessary.

Hampshire College holds as paramount the health, safety, and wellness of every member of its community. In complete transparency, when you come onto campus, you understand that none of us can guarantee what shape COVID-19 will take. And, although we have and will continue to take recommended steps to mitigate this risk, Hampshire College cannot categorically guarantee a COVID-19-free environment.

Signing this agreement indicates you understand that violations of this Culture of Care Agreement will be handled through our conduct processes as outlined in the Student Handbook and Employee Manual.

The only way to survive is by taking care of one another.
Philosopher-activist Grace Lee Boggs