Inspiration from Reggio Emilia

Early Learning Center

Our Inspiration

Our staff is inspired by the educational approach of Reggio Emilia, Italy. Though our pedagogy at the Early Learning Center (ELC) is eclectic, we find that many of the principles of the Reggio approach bring new insight and depth to our work with children, families, and each other.

All co-lead teachers at the ELC travel to Reggio Emilia to take part in their International Study Programs for educators.

In short, we find inspiration in the following principles:

  • The image of the child as strong, rich, and powerful, and having "potential, plasticity, the desire to grow, curiosity, the ability to be amazed, and the desire to relate to others and communicate." (Carlina Rinaldi)
  • The role of the teacher as a resource for the children and a co-researcher to allow children to ask their own questions and find authentic answers.
  • The importance of environmental aesthetics, to allow for discovery and comfort.
  • The use of documentation in various media (e.g. digital photography, videotape, audiotape, etc.) to revisit experiences for parents, children, and teachers alike.
  • The utilization of emergent curriculum, in which ideas for activities and materials emerge from the interests of children in collaboration with teachers.
  • The dedication to collaboration at every level ? children with one another, teachers and children, teachers as collegues, teachers and parents, parents with one another, and the school with the local community.