Getting "Credit" for an Internship

To put an internship on your transcript, bring a letter from your internship supervisor to the office of central records. The letter should be signed and on the organization's letterhead, and should include the following:

  • When you participated in the internship
  • The number of hours you worked
  • A summary of your duties and what you learned
  • An evaluation of your performance

The letter can be addressed to your committee chair or to the Hampshire College office of central records. Please discuss your internship with your committee if you would like it to be included in your Div II or Div III portfolio.

Need a letter showing that you will get credit for an internship?

Occasionally students are asked by their internship supervisor to provide a letter showing that they will receive credit for their internship. If you need such a letter, please contact SPARC at and provide the following information:

  • Your first and last name and your Div level
  • Name and title of your internship supervisor
  • Name and address of the company or organization for which you will be interning

NOTE: If you have already graduated from Hampshire, you are not eligible to receive credit and we cannot provide you with a letter.